These first 4 weeks have been quite slow in terms of work as many people are wrapped up in their dissertation production or in house work. I have not wanted to take on a lot of artwork as that folder has been completed. I have taken on some building texturing for adam, lettering animation for dave bates and building modelling for ash reemul since the beginning of this term. The pictures are shown below.
Dave Bates
Dave has not only charged me with the task of completing lettering animation but also the design of the letters as well. These letters will be used amongst several key words in his film, spoken by characters, and each word requires a different font (updates will show text i have designed and that have finally been chosen by dave). these then need to all be individually coloured and animated. So far i have completed several basic flash animation tests, a few of which dave has oked and likes. Due to space issues not all the videos can be uploaded, so i will upload the files he was happy with (see separate update - Daves Tests.
It is important to note that these are basic tests to get an idea of delivery, shape, movement and flair. They are by no means a finished product.
Ash Reemul

Adam Smith
The building for adam has been quite hard to complete as i have had to start learning a whole new program to do the work. Using Adobe Illustrator is both exciting and frustrating as it is a new package, and a new skillset i am learning, yet it is so different to Adaobe Flash that i am finding it hard to adapt. The line tool, gradient tool and colouring system are completely different and take far longer to use than if the work was completed in flash. This means that i feel like i am wasting productive time trying to compensate for the odd controls. Adam is using illustrator for all his work as that is the package he is most compfortable with. This is liely to happen in the industry to i am trying to learn the software as soon as possible. This building has yet to be completed. I still have to clear up some lines and colour the windows.
I completed 4-5 buildings for ash using reference photos given to me by him. I was not given a size comparison, bottom reference for doorways and ground floor windows or an idea of how the buildings would be used however. I ssumed they would be in a line of a street (hence no sides) and, unsure of height, i separated roofs and layers midsections so they could be duplicated and joined at ash's leisure, depending on what he wanted. He was pleased with the work i had done, although i do not usually like to hand in unfinished work myself. I have not been contacted as yet in regards to completing the rest of the buildings.
No one has yet to enter the animation phase so i have taken the time to write my dissertation now and finish the draft before the animation starts, thereby saving time and stress. I will be able to focus on the animation rather than the essay in the second half of term.