Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Final Dive + alternate duck/turns

The Dive was OK'ed straight away, which was nice as i haven't done anythign that was accepted instantaneously before. The other two shots did not recieve such a welcome however. The duck was wrong - by bringing the legs forwards i had succeeded in crouching the grunt but to have his legs so far forwards was unacceptable. This had to be scrapped and done again. The turn just needed a little work to show the grunt had already seen the car coming.

I managed to have a go at redoing these files but i did not have an awful lot of time in my schedule on tuesday to do this. I had allocated the whole day to complete this work and had sent the first blasts away for feedback by 12 midday. I did not recieve feedback until 7 pm and as such i was unable to spend a lot of time correcting the shots.

Here are the new attempts at the duck and two versions of the turn: -

Duck blast 2: Less rotate on the legs and the hands now just reach for the characters temple/helmet tip. Not so much a crouch as the character simply bends forwards but the geometry won't allow for a real crouch.

Turnblast 2: To show he's looking at something i had the character guard his eyes from the sunlight in a sailoresque way.

Turnblast 2a: In this one the idea is that the character is pointing and shouting to his comrades that the car is coming before the turn.

These blasts may not be used in the final render as Adam outsourced to other animators to get the work done in the evening.

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